Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements.


  1. Dear Ms. Anne Lange,

    What a pleasure it has been reading such interesting information about you. My name is Hannah Pritchard and it may interest you to know that the two of us do have some similarites. Well one quite odvious one would be that we are both actresses from the same time period!! Also, you and I both had our "big role" that we are known for. You had your big role in Pamela, and I had mine in Macbeth. Another thing you and I have in common is that when we started out in theatre, women were just being allowed on stage and actually taken seriously as artists. Before that, women weren't allowed on stage, and if they were they were merely sex objects.

    However you and I do differ slightly. For one, your parents were a great influenc in your artistic life, while mine were hardly involved in the slightest. Another difference is that you had no mentor, while my career would not be what it is today without the help of my sweet David Garrick. I myself, have never done anything in the arts that is so risque that I have been arrested. One more difference is that I am very much a Brittish woman, I have lived in England my whole life. But you were born in Italy, then moved to Belgium, and then moved to France!

    I truly admire you artistic work. I wish I could have seen you perform, especially in your role in Pamela. I'm sure you are a wonderful actress, but my apologies, I do doubt slightly that you are the greatest actress ever. It has been a pleasure speaking with you and I hope to hear from you soon.


  2. Hello Ms.Lange. I have heard little about you. As you are and actress I am a pianist. It is unique how your parents are both musicians and actors. Your career kinda started of around the same age as mine. Also like you I didnt really have mentor, even though you kinda had your parents. Unlike you in France I started of in Massachusetts. I was not as cclose to my family as you were growing up but as I got older I had a family of my own. I would love to see you in a play. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Sincerly, Mr.WIlliam BIllings.

  3. Mlle. Lange, it is a pleasure to meet you.
    We have a lot of common. We are both actresses, we both love to travel, and we have family members who also act! We have both toured in acting companies. It is so fun, wouldn't you agree?
    Some differences that we have is that you quite acting once you got married and my acting career got started when I got married. You also had a son and I did not. you also started acting at an earlier age than I did. Oh, and all of my portraits of me are with my clothes on, unlike you.
    Well, I shall be looking forward to hearing from you soon. Good day Mlle.

  4. Bonjour Mademoiselle Lange!

    Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul. I am a French Composer. I understand that you, fine lady, are a actress and I am a musician, but it may suprise you that we have some similarities as artists. Well for one we both spent time in France building up our careers. But I am dissopointed to that we mainly have differences.

    For one you are an actor, and I am a musician. You create beautiful emotion using words as I do music. When I was growing up I had several mentors to guide me on my journey to becoming a swell composer. I also began my career professionaly when I was only ten or eleven. I found it quite interestiong, when I was reading your blog, that most of you family members are involved some way in the arts. That is Fantastique!

    Unlike you, my family wasn't involved in the arts. This brings me to something that you stated in your interview. I disagre with what you said about if your family wasn't involved in the arts, then you weren't involved in the arts. I understand that it was pretty difficult for women of that time, but for me it wasn't. I started off poor, no one my family was involved in the arts, but I made my dreams come true. Now I compose opera, ballets, piano concertos, orchestral music, and piano sonatas.

    It was a pleasure learning abou all of your accomplishments.
    Good day Mademoiselle Lange


  5. Ciao Ms. Lange! It is a pleasure to talk with a fellow Italian woman like yourself! Well thats one thing we have in common! I see your parents were musicians, my family was in the opera crowd. My sister and cousins anyway, were the only ones who made it into a career, my parents didnt. We also have the love of travel! Like you i traveled with family singing and dancing on stage. Such an exciting thing, isnt it? You were only 15 when you went into a company which is such an awarding thing. When i was 14 i was dancing fairly well also all over Paris. As for your accomplishments I also had my big role of Giselle as my big dance ballet. Enough about whats in common.

    Although we are alike we are different too Ms.Lange. We were born in to different parts of Italy i was in the northern part in Istria. Also you moved when you were a toddler, I stayed for the most part of my life. Lets see... Mentors. You say you had none well i had one a very well known one at that. I was so excited to work with him at a young age. Anyways he helped me soo much! Got me my role of Giselle and also gave me a beautiful daughter.

    That is only a little im sure theres lots more! We will have to meet and chat up. I admire your work and hope to hear more about you. Bonjour!

  6. Ms.Lange,

    Hello I have read your blog and I notice that we have many similarities. First is the most important, we are both actors! Secondly, our families weren't involved in the arts. We also started out as teenagers.

    For our differences, I live in London and you live in France. I had multiple mentors while you had none. There were political eventsthat affected my work while you weren't affected. I hope to talk to you soon

  7. Buon giorno, come stai? Ms. Lange I was so pleased to hear about you. I know you were born in Italy but you went rapidly to live in France. I spent my whole childhood in Italy and then life took me to France at some point, but I believe this is a similarity isn’t it? Also both of our families were into the arts business and of course that is what made both of us interested in arts for the first time. Both of us looked up to our parents since they were artists as well.
    Another similarity that we share is that at really young ages we both had really important moments in our careers. When I was seventeen I had my debut as a dancer in Pisa and you at an age of fifteen you were taken on at the theater at Tours in Marguerite Brunet’s Company in France. This was a really great achievement for both of us
    But of course we do have obvious differences like you are an actress and I am a dancer. Also I can’t relate to what you said about being hard for women to get involved in the arts because of course I am a man (laughs). But in any case I would love to have the chance to admire your work since at the beginning we both started the same way.
    -Filippo Taglioni
